When inspired, inspire!

“When inspired, inspire!” – Dr. Wends

Jump from a plane, bungee jump from a tower, swim with the sharks, paint with an art, trek in the jungles and the forests and give aide to a child, these are maybe a few of those we do in life when we are inspired. When we are inclined to do good much more than which are expected of us, it happens because we are inspired. We are inspired to change the world by making sure we are the change-makers and by all means, conduits of it. “Positive change must start with us”, say most of us.

What great men do in life vary from those which trigger them to do good all the time; inspiration. We are inspired, maybe from the travels that we do, the love which we felt, the moments we achieved something we dreamed of, or maybe sheer coincidence that we stumble, rise up again, and then becomes the beacon of hope, understanding, peace, and love. These are greats in men which are empowering a nation which lacks so much energy and drive. We don’t do goodness because the world says so, rather, we do goodness because we felt good doing it.

A community of inspired people gains more than those whose inspiration flickers from one corner. When we made sure positive change happens because of our service to humanity, we felt obligated to respond to the needs of men as they arise. When disaster strikes, instincts come to fore to make our random little acts meant life to those whom we helped. When triumphs also are celebrated, we make our good cheers felt by the sincerity of our kindred spirit. In all, it is because we are inspired that we also share inspiration. Remember, “the heart paints lucidly when inspired”.

Categories: Photoblog, Travelling Quotes and Thoughts | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “When inspired, inspire!

  1. I am always inspired by ur post doc wends! keep it up

  2. This is just beautiful! Love it, very inspirational!

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