Hotel Panda Hong Kong

The trademark Hotel Panda of Hong Kong

On a recent trip to Hong Kong, I came across superb hotel near an MTR station in Tsuen Wan and I am captivated for its proximity and connectivity with the rest of the places I have visited while on the island. It is strategically located that its lobby is connected with the footbridge linking one to the nearest MTR station and to convenience shops as well as restaurants underneath its lobby.

clean glass at the rest room of Hotel Panda

What I love about the hotel is its brilliant use of space and which utilizes spaces for commercial uses. At the ground entrance to the hotel, one can see restaurants and on its basement, a KFC outlet where I dined almost instantly upon arriving. The lobby is just an awesome vantage convergence center where Pandas adorn the foyer and its trademark scene is perfect for family picture taking and couple shots to remind you of your stay at the hotel.

The minimalist twin sharing bedroom I stayed on at Hotel Panda

The room of the hotel is spacious and the airconditioning is superbly working. I went to stay at the hotel for more than 3 days and I am impressed at how the services were made and extended to us, their guests. Though the lobby serves as a connection to both guests and the passengers taking the MTRs and pedestrians, security is tightened to ensure that guests are protected and its luggage secure. Regularly, uniformed staff made rounds on the lobby to ensure that guests are comfortably waiting their turns to check in or check out as they please.

The minimalist room interior design of the Panda Hotel just matches my need for comfort and privacy, nothing ostentatiously grand but a comfortable abode away from home.

Hotel Panda in Hong Kong is located at 3 Tsuen Wah street, in Tsuen Wan and can be reached through their website and followed on their facebook page.

Categories: Backpacker's Corner, Hong Kong, Hostels and Cool Places for the Night | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Hotel Panda Hong Kong

  1. I stayed there twice. I loved their pool and gym, it was raining hard on my 1st day of stay, I cannot go out and wander around, good thing they have a gym, sauna and pool or I’ll have no choice but to sleep all day and be sad about nothing have happened to me that day. lol.

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